Whitney Hunt, PhD

Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of the Ozarks

Gender Studies.

Race and Racism. 

Sociology of Science and Technology.

 Culture & Media Studies.

My research agenda places a critical lens on the social construction of gender and race. Using both qualitative and quantitative approaches, I explore broad questions around the ways in which institutions of media, science and technology intersect, perpetuate and reinforce social inequality among groups and individuals. 


Peer-Reviewed Articles:

Hunt, Whitney. 2019. "Negotiating New Racism: It's not racist or sexist. It's just the way it is." Media, Culture & Society 41(1): 86-103.

Hunt, Whitney and Merolla, David. 2022 "Genes and Race in an Era of Genetic Ancestry Testing: The Geneticization of Identity and the Social Deconstruction of Whiteness." Sociology Compass.

Other Academic Writing:

Hunt, Whitney. 2018. Invited Contribution. Comic Forum. https://comicsforum.org/2018/09/17/a-culture-of-new-racism-in-comics/. 

Under Review: 

Hunt, Whitney. 2024. "Having a cool nationality as a white person gives you an edge": Genetic Ancestry Testing and White Identity Formation. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity.


Email: whunt@ozarks.edu

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